판매원 : 주영엔에스(주) / 제조원 : 콜마비앤에이치(주) 푸디팜사업부문
관절엔 콘드로이친 1200
Chondroitin derive from bovine cartilage that can help joint and cartilage health.
- It is a health functional food containing chondroitin, which has been recognized for its function as ‘can help joint and cartilage health’.
- 1,200 mg of chondroitin in 2 tablets per day, which is 100% of the daily intake from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
- ‘관절엔 콘드로이친 1200’ contains chondroitin derive from bovine cartilage.
- In clinical trial, chondroitin intake confirmed a significant improvement effect on joint and cartilage health.